Traffic Plus+, is the most amazing traffic extension that you can install to improve your gaming experience for Gta V!
Including ALL civilian Gta Online Vehicles & LOT’S of [Add-On] Vehicles that and will always be more and more...
(This function here works only by downloading “Cops Back on the Beat” and using only his popcycle file; otherwise, no cop cars in the traffic)
Screenshots Now represent some of the vehicles that you will see in the traffic if you install TP+ or vehicles that will be included in future versions of TP+!
All vehicles compatible with TP+ are linked in the TP+ archive divided by categories like: Super, Muscle, Utility, Bikes, Boats, ecc...
•Traffic Plus+ works perfectly with “Pull Me Over”
But you mustn’t use the “Cops: Back on the beat” popgroups.ymt, install just the popcycle.ymt file (patrol units are included in TP+ !)
This trainer here is required, otherwise the GTA Online vehicles will disappear from the traffic in front of you once spawned.
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Make sure you follow this mod updates, because every time Gta V will update, I will add the new cars in the traffic.
Grand Theft Auto V \ Mods \ update \ update.rpf \ x64 \ levels \ gta5
once here, drag'n drop the popgroups.ymt file;
more detailed instructions can be founded into the readme file inside the archive.
Version 3.0 (The Contract)
- 3.2 MB
3.0_ The changelog was too long, it became a Patreon Post that everyone can see.
Version 2.0.1 (The Cayo Perico Heist)
- 1.26 MB
2.0.1_ The Cayo Perico Heist DLC is now around the streets.
-Latest GTA Online vehicles;
-Compatible with the latest vehicles released by the Lore-Friendly community;
-TP+ LF comes now with a new OIV installer, special thanks to @w/ that made this possible.
-In this update, TP+ took the Air Traffic too, now including GTA Online helicopters and planes all over the San Andreas state, giving an other plus in vehicles variety; I’m sure you’re gonna look the sky differently after this update;
-Vehicles from the Sports Classic category are now in traffic, but just in Vinewood Hills;
-TP+ is now going to introduce boats variety (not only in trailers, but also in the actual ocean);
-All new Lowriders for the gang members (keeping the correspective gang colors of course);
-New Blazer models hanging around Sandy or where u see quads in general;
-Expanded Limousines models in it's scenarios;
-New #removed-vehicles;
-Increased Helicopters variety;
-Increased Planes variety.
-Various minor improvements;
-The Rockford Hills Police Department took the Burton area;
-LSSD Took Banning area;
-San Andreas Park Rangers have now a decent spawn rate, cause LF-J+ took them too;
-Others Minor Juristiction abjustments;
-Fixed Tourbus everywhere;
-Fixed Military jet roaming around the airport (moved to the air base);
-LF-Jurisdictions+ covers more departments (check the discord server);
-Race cars are now a scenario exclusive. -
Version 2.0 (Los Santos Summer Special)
- 277.38 kB
2.0_After more than an year Traffic Plus+ is back stronger then ever! This is the biggest update ever full of news that will transform your gaming experience for a second time:
-TP+ has now a discord server where you can do so many other things like: ask for support service 24/7, follow the vehicle compatibility lists in real time, suggest me new vehicles to add, etc...
-All latest Lore vehicles are and will be compatible TP+;
-Compatible vehicles list is now entirely in the TP+ Discord server, not in the TP+ .rar archive anymore;-We finally have 2 distinguished Versions: Traffic Plus+ Lore-Friendly (TP+ LF) & Traffic Plus+ Real (TP+ Real).
TP+ LF is now composed exclusively by the Lore-Friendly community vehicles (this allows you to customise your traffic too, once a new [Add-On] vehicle is installed, it will automatically spawn in traffic in the areas is supposed to).
TP+ Real it’s a very ambitious project that I’m working on, co-operating with IRL Vehicle developers, for now it’s an exclusive for the beta testers in my discord server, so, if you want to try out TP+ Real, join the TP+ Real Beta Program, via Discord.-Introducing LF-Jurisdictions+ for Traffic Plus+:
For more than an year, TP+ Requested the Cops Back on the Beat popcycle.dat file to work properly (to able cops on patrol).
But now, LF-Jurisdictions+ it’s gonna do more than that;
All new departments in specific areas in all the San Andreas state. Here’s some examples on what you to expect by LF-Jurisdictions+:
_SSPD_Sandy Shores Police Department,
_RHPD_Rockford Hills Police Department,
_DPPD_Del Perro Police Department,
_LSPDBD_Los Santos Police Department Beach Detail,
_PBPD_Paleto Bay Police Department,
_LSIAPD_Los Santos International Airport Police Department,
_LSCoFD_Los Santos County Fire Department,
_ULSA Emergency_University of San Andreas Emergency Services,
_USCG_United States Coast Guard,
_NOoSE_National Office of Security Enforcement,
_Los Santos Country Police,
_Security services like: Gruppe Sechs, MerryWeather Security & Bobcat Security;
And More...-Thanks to LF-Jurisdiction+, TP+ LF was able to add Super cars in the LS rich areas and Lowriders in the Gang ones.
-Added All the Los Santos Summer Special Update vehicles around San Andreas.
-All the duplicates have been manually removed from the popgroups.ymt file, this will help the game stability, guaranteeing the same game performances that you know;
-Some GTA Online vehicles have been removed like the Rocket Bike which was too common and unrealistic;
-Now GTA Online vehicles are more common to see;
-Vehicles from the IVPack are a bit more common now, giving a bit more traffic variety if you have just that installed;
Some fixes were possible also thanks to LF-Jurisdictions+:
_We now have LSSD In Davis, Rancho and Vinewood Hills,
_The country side is now completely under the BCSO (Blaine County Sheriff’s Office) Jurisdiction. -
Version (Diamond Casino & Resort)
- 3.53 MB
- 436 Downloads'S OF [ADD ON] VEHICLES COMPATIBILITY ADDED, ALL VEHICLES FROM THE GTA ONLINE DLC "Diamond Casino & Resort" are now in the traffic!
Removed previous versions from the download list.
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