dlclist AutoCompiler 1.1

"Do you use DLCs to install Add-On stuff? Try this"

Introducing the RED’s dlclist AutoCompiler
(the easiest to use)

The scope of this mod here, is to simplify the way we install [Add-On] Vehicles, or [Add-On] folders in general.
Every single time that you will install and uninstall an [Add-On] folder, once run the .exe,
your new dlclist.xml file will be completely recompiled,
and you will find the new dlclist.xml into the same installation directory.
The Mod program is made in C++.

Did you had to reinstall your game, did you lose everything?
do you need a faster way to install all the vehicles you need for Traffic Plus+?
With this, you basically just need to put your [Add-On] folders into your dlcpacks
directory, go back to x64, run the .exe and your new dlclist.xml, will be ready for you!
you now don't need to write a new line in it whenever you install or uninstall something,
because the entire process is automatic.

