I Have Gotten A C3100X From code 3 And I Converted It To GTA V And The Polys Are Really High And I dont Know How to Poly Crunch. heres Some Pictures https://cdn.discordapp.com/att…n_2020-06-03_12464356.png
If You Can Poly Crunch I Will Send This to You, And Zmod Poly Crunch doesn't Count

Poly Crunching
I feel like it would be easier to make it yourself. You could sort of trade the shape of it to help you out.
I feel like it would be easier to make it yourself. You could sort of trade the shape of it to help you out.
Uh, I Just Need Someone That Can Poly Crunch. And my Scartch Modeling Skils aren't There Yet
When i import into Zmod3 I Get This messege "
ZModeler is ready.
Multiple material files specified in "mtllib" instruction. Will try to load all of them.
Can't open file for read: Code3.
Can't open file for read: C1000.mtl. Failed to load multiple material files from "mtllib" instruction. Now trying to load as "Code3 C1000.mtl"
Object "default" exceedes maximum vertices per object limit: splitting into multiple objects.
I started by making speakers like that. No reason why you shouldn’t at least try it out.
Just my recommendation.
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