Lately I've been very interested in Land Management Law Enforcement or Firefighting as a possible career endeavor. I've always had a love for natural resources, camping, boating and fishing ever since I was young. Since USFS had the most references available I selected that first. In the future I'm planning on doing US Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Land Management, and National Parks Service. With that being said I'm starting my project off with a bang. I have almost completed the Turtle Tracks Ballistic Vest (Pictures Below). My good friend Zoebert modeled the vest for me, I finished it off with some textures, materials and a good old rigging job. The vest it's self is 4k tris, I am planning on reducing that by deleting some of the interior that won't be seen. I will do LOD's as well once I get L0 to it's final stage.
I'd like to thank RangerRick for his help with references and speaking with me about LEO careers, Five0 for references, CJ24 for his help with a texture compression problem I was having, AgentDZN, Maple, Prod, and INSAN1TY for keeping me motivated and providing me with vehicles to texture for this project, Joshua Tanner for his guidance on EUP development as well as badges I will use for future Updates. (If I've left anyone out let me know)
I'm absolutely open to suggestions, comments, criticism, and assistance.

Federal Land Management Agencies (Uniforms)
- Work in Progress
- Ped
- Dylan H
UPDATE 10/30/20:
I made the shirt textures and found the correct pants (need new textures). I have 3d models for a Motorola Lapel Microphone and Axon 2 Body Camera, as well as some 5.11 boots. I'll most likely finish up the vest and pants sometime this weekend. After I compete those I will head on to the boots. Lastly I'll be doing an entire Duty Belt revamp , and adding the mic and bodycam. Hopefully I'll be able to do the hats and K-9/Special Agent Uniforms after the basics are complete. -
Dylan H
Changed the title of the thread from “United States Forest Service Uniforms” to “Federal Land Management Agencies (Uniforms)”. -
UPDATE 11/7/20:
I've just about finished up the tactical boots that I will be using, they have 5 different texture options, green, black, brown, and 2 camo variations. So far I've got them down from 9k total to about 4.5k total for L0, I'll be taking these to L2, which is a bit over kill for EUP. These will be a free release when completed. The boots have been made to be compatible for the cargo pants, I will not be making a version for the Uniforms pants unless I see it fit in the future. I'll also do a separate variation with the tucked cargo pants after I release the first version.
L0 - 4,156 Tris
L1 - 1,614 Tris
L2 - 738 Tris -
UPDATE 11/12/20:
I've just put the boots in game, there are some small clipping issues, I will fix them and then expect a release on Modding Forum here. I'd like to thank AgentDZN for taking these pics because my game wasn't cooperating.
L0 - 4,156 Tris
L1 - 1,614 Tris
L2 - 738 Tris -
UPDATE 11/18/20:
I finally got my game to work again, you could say I've been busy. I cranked out part of the Male Bureau Of Land Management LEO Uniforms. The Vest I have is a placeholder until the new one is done.
What needs fixing/adding:- Better Duty Belts
- Accurate Vest
- Redoing Patches
- Crunching Hat
- Retrigging Mask
- Flipping Hat
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