The released model can be found below:
Alrighty, on to the long awaited Caprice. So it goes without saying that some might've noticed through the teasers posted that I've ditched the scratch made Caprice for IV in favour of another model which can ultimately be described as a blend of worlds. I never released the IV Caprice because I was unsatisfied with the model itself, there were quite a few inaccuracies that just toppled my will to put it out there. Nevertheless, recently I decided that a re-attempt was in order and that I'd finally put my all into producing the perfect Caprice that the community has always wanted.
It all started off as the Pontiac G8 from Forza, a car built on the same platform as the Caprice and featuring generally similar panels and dimensions. After a few intense internal debates I decided to source the front end from an unfinished scratch modeling attempt by EVI and the rear end from my previous attempt. Other alterations that had to be done were namely the changing of the C-pillar quarter glass area(Pontiac has them in the door whereas Caprice has them in the C-pillar area), the wing plastic snap inserts, as well as the interior. Luckily the interior differences between the G8 and Caprice weren't major and the general shape was the same, though the center console area of the dash had to be remodeled as well as custom symbols and cluster had to be made. Seats had to be customized as well as shifter and steering converted to the Caprice variants. On the other hand, the merging of the front and rear end was mostly a matter of refitting to a blueprint and welding the previously made parts together neatly with the G8's existing body(an extremely long and tedious process).
Anyhow, I'll rather spare any more long explanations and let the pictures below of the before and afters tell the story.
Exterior - before and after following completion of all the merging and remodeling of parts
Interior - before and after following completion of edits
Exterior - finalizing and templating before conversion to V
Current ingame screenshots after port
I'll keep the thread updated with further updates as I go along. I just initially felt it'd be better to share the progression of the conversion and modeling process once it was done rather than get that feeling of pressure being put on me to complete it. Currently, the model just needs a few final additions like the license plates and LODs, as well as some other fine tuning of dummy placement, etc.