Hello, I've been learning a lot about ZModeler over the last few days and decided to make a vehicle. Hope you enjoy it!
Charger Model - Peralta
Whelen IONs 1.0.0 - 0taku
Whelen Inner Edge RST 1.0.0 - Othrin
Whelen Dominator - OfficerFive0
Federal Signal Integrity - Twurtleee
SETINA PB400 - Peralta
Laptop Stand - bevarnow
Setina PB-5 Wrap Around - Dan with da van
Havis console - cj24
Halogen Map Light - OfficerFive0
If I missed any credits shoot me a message and ill have them updated ASAP.
If you find any issues with the model join my discord and ill get it updated right away!
Discord: https://discord.gg/p2AZm2FgeN