I have started to use CEOs ions and after putting the car in game only his emis steady burn. I've tried to uncompounded And compound them again. doesn't work. and i took his ion emis and put them on a outer edge. they also steady burn. this is only happening after i edit them in vertex/polygon. I've done everything i can think off. any advice is useful.
Posts by Fake Blender Guru
When i import into Zmod3 I Get This messege "
ZModeler is ready.
Multiple material files specified in "mtllib" instruction. Will try to load all of them.
Can't open file for read: Code3.
Can't open file for read: C1000.mtl. Failed to load multiple material files from "mtllib" instruction. Now trying to load as "Code3 C1000.mtl"
Object "default" exceedes maximum vertices per object limit: splitting into multiple objects.
I feel like it would be easier to make it yourself. You could sort of trade the shape of it to help you out.
Uh, I Just Need Someone That Can Poly Crunch. And my Scartch Modeling Skils aren't There Yet
I Have Gotten A C3100X From code 3 And I Converted It To GTA V And The Polys Are Really High And I dont Know How to Poly Crunch. heres Some Pictures https://cdn.discordapp.com/att…n_2020-06-03_12464356.png
If You Can Poly Crunch I Will Send This to You, And Zmod Poly Crunch doesn't Count -
Thank you!
Yea! Thank you I’ve been needing a good one
This is the XML File i'm using currently Prod
External Image gyazo.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
https://gyazo.com/6a7fcc1182ec63b368326375918bf87a hey! id ensure that in the ELS xml, the extras are controlled via els and not disabled in the config
Um i didn't mean to put this in IV support, And yes i have checked the XML and remade Even used the default one. And still have the same issue
Ok, So i've never had this issue, But it's been happening a lot recently. When i use CEO's ions and name them extra_5 & extra_6 and export it. And i look in openIV and they read as "extras" And i can toggle them. When i get in game they just steady burn and in the extra menu they aren't showing up. How do i fix?
And when the engine turns on they get brighter -
You mean Carson SC-409 Commander? If i get around to getting to finishing my textures, sure.
Cool Man
Can you add a Carson SC 49?